
day care phone number


playing musical instruments

brandishing a stick horse


day care phone number

Our Philosophy

Creating Gifted Children, a unique nursery school for toddlers 16 months to 4 years, is a special
learning atmosphere for this most formative time of a child's life. We offer the perfect place for transition, helping parents to bridge the gap from one-on-one Mommy and Nanny care to the
more institutionalized preschool setting.

We have seen that at 16 months, the child becomes more independent of the direct one-on-one care needed in the earlier months of their life; they are ready to enter a small group setting and to relate and play with other children their own age

Here we carefully nurture the child, helping them to adjust within a small group and to become a confident, well-adjusted little person, prepared for their next step in life - preschool.

We believe very young children learn by osmosis, absorbing knowledge from their environment intuitively and seemingly without conscious effort.

We respond to this remarkable trait by creating a stimulating and positive environment, surrounding children with creative people, interesting books, educational play materials, a beautiful atmosphere, music, nature, and playtime - all presented in a structured daily schedule and in an orderly way.

We are individual in our love and concern for each child, relating to them according to their own needs, not seeking to conform them to the needs of the group. They are treated as special and unique, with the recognition that each child differs in their stage of social, physical, and emotional maturity.

Our curriculum is designed with the premise that a child possesses an inherent ability to learn intuitively at an early age. Our lessons and materials provide peripheral influence, stimulation, and quick, effortless exposure, instilling a love for learning within the small child.

This unique atmosphere helps the child feel a "specialness" about themselves. We strive to nurture the wonder and awe of childhood with enriching experiences, create positive values, and set lifelong foundational patterns for learning.

Our goal is to develop the whole child, helping each little one to blossom with their own unique potential intellectually, socially, emotionally, and physically. We emphasize a positive self-image as well as a positive outlook on learning.

The "curriculum" is a scientifically designed balance between structured learning times, quiet times, spontaneous free times, and socially interactive times. Materials are designed to enhance creative exploration and a fun, integrative approach to learning, while surrounding the small child with a secure and supportive atmosphere.